“First of All, Introduction” (MXLab by CcHUB)

Welcome to a new year folks. Last year was so full of grace that I couldn’t help but share how pumped I was about our future at CcHUB. Twenty-Nine months ago, we set out to help animate a community of change agents who believe in building a strong base for Nigeria through technology. We were certain we could help accelerate a movement of people who are driven by the need to disrupt the status quo in Nigeria through smart application of technology. Quite a daunting task it turned out to be but I am thrilled by the steady and impressive progress being accomplished by the fabulous crew at CcHUB.

Over the past two (2) years, CcHUB (www.cchubnigeria.com) has worked with aspiring tech entrepreneurs who are finding interesting ways to address social issues in Nigeria in areas such as Governance, Education, Trade, Entertainment, Health and Financial Literacy. It has become clear that once these tools are created, the next critical step towards scalability is to connect with end users (especially in an environment where the vast majority is still not ‘tech savvy’). Resigning the engagement of end-users to post development is becoming costly and perhaps a source of early demise for most tech ventures in Nigeria.

In our usual style, we created a first of its kind Mobile Experience Lab from the necessity to bridge the gap between users and digital service providers in Nigeria. The aim of MX Lab is to help enhance the quality of local digital solutions; improve customer satisfaction; and accelerate smart application of technology.

We plan to achieve these through:

  1. Research: to generate, process and disseminate extensive knowledge and data to aid better understanding of the end-users by our community members
  2. Usability Testing: to provide usability testing with real users to help developers avoid poor user experience which can inherently ruin a product
  3. Evangelism: to sensitise and enlighten the community on the importance of usability and user experience in product development.

For the everyday Nigerians, the lab is a place where they can experience digital tools, applications and devices from multiple OEMs without feeling the pressure to buy. We’ll like to attract over 120 end-users into the space everyday to play with products, make informed decisions and give feedbacks to our community members. If you’re developing a new tool/product, the MXLab is your friend – perfect for testing and product launch.

It is one thing to have a dream – but completely another to have the resources to make it happen. Our sincere appreciation goes to The Schmidt Family Foundation and MTN Nigeria for their invaluable support and investment in the lab.

If you’re reading this post and didn’t receive the formal invite from CcHUB for the opening ceremony, please accept this as a personal invitation from me. Join us to celebrate yet another milestone. See details below:

Date: Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Time: 12 – 1pm

Venue: Co-creation Hub. Ground Floor, 294 Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos

See you there!

20. January 2014 by 'Bosun Tijani
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